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Task information / counting

Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 104
Member of GROM

Posts: 17

Can u fix this problem? I took task on dwarf guards and dont have any information about it.

I opened all chats and still no informations on them.

Have a nice day!

I took this task and npc said me:
16:31 Kayla: Alright, then return to your duties! Day light is a-wasting! You have already smashed 0 dwarf guards. Come back to me when you are done.

I made at least 2 lvl's at them so its impossible to kill 0 dwarf guards!

NPC Kayla when she asking about taking this task say:
16:33 Kayla: They are a nuisance! You've to find them and kill. Hunt 400 dwarf gaurds and you'll get a nice reward. Interested?

So its maybe letter problem - "gaurds"
10.01.23 13:24:55
Edited by Kwahh
on 10.01.23 15:34:51
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Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 60
Leader of Test

Posts: 73
I'll tak a look at it
11.01.23 17:30:57
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Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 104
Member of GROM

Posts: 17
Still not working
13.01.23 12:55:12
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Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 60
Leader of Test

Posts: 73
Had no opportunity to look at it yet
14.01.23 12:20:25
Edited by Xamash
on 14.01.23 12:42:59
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Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 108
Member of GROM

Posts: 17
Same problem,

I started dragon task, i killed more like 200 of them and Kayla showed me 0 :/

Nice option for future can be use 2 or 3 tasks at the same time, what do you think guys ?
17.01.23 03:53:41
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Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 60
Leader of Test

Posts: 73
Should work now, try re-login
21.01.23 17:54:40
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Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 104
Member of GROM

Posts: 17
Yea, counting is fixed but npc dont gave me a reward..
22.01.23 09:34:50
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Profession: Sorcerer
Level: 60
Leader of Test

Posts: 73
I've checked that, it gives an reward but there was no exp animation, now it should work fine. Not sure about ammount of exp, need to verify if "Hunting task" subgpage is up to date when it comes to rewards.
22.01.23 12:32:32
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Profession: Elite Knight
Level: 104
Member of GROM

Posts: 17
I thought she will gave me a money, now i see that was an experience points!

Thanks a lot
22.01.23 13:09:36
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